The HZDR Innovators School is one of five Helmholtz Transfer Academies. Its goal is to empower scientists through qualification and training programs to bring their research results into practical application, as well as to prepare and support them for a career in industry. The HZDR Innovators School is part of the Technology Transfer and Innovation Department at HZDR.
Scientists benefit personally from the transfer of their research into application. Whether through patents, licensing rights or spin-offs – transfer has many routes. The innovation managers at the HZDR actively support researchers in taking the best path for them in order to generate the greatest added value from their research.
With the HZDR Innovation Contest, we offer scientists at HZDR the opportunity to assess the potential of their research for application and commercialization. As part of the competition, applicants receive constructive feedback on their research and its external presentation.
Transfer@HZDR is the theme of the HZDR Transfer Day. During this event, the Technology Transfer and Innovation Department at HZDR presents the successes of the past months and provides networking opportunities for industry, academia, and multipliers to further advance technology transfer, especially in Saxony.
The Career Center is a project of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the TU Dresden and serves as a central contact and service point for all questions relating to the promotion of young researchers after their doctorate. This also includes specially designed programs and offers for the business career path.
HZDR showcases innovations at the 2nd Transfer Day Radiant winners, inspiring lectures, and lively discussions – the second HZDR Transfer Day on January 28, 2025, brought together over 80 scientists, transfer managers, and innovation enthusiasts at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). They…
Environmentally friendly materials for filters and sensors, the recycling of valuable raw materials and technologies to improve the efficiency of processes and procedures such as in wastewater treatment – were the central themes of the 8th HZDR Innovation Contest, held on…
On 4 and 5 November 2024, the first Hi-Tech Forum, hosted by the HZDR, took place with the 2nd Hi-Acts Network Meeting on the campus of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e. V. Over 100 participants from all over Germany and even Belgium,…
TheiaX, a start-up of the HIF in Freiberg/Saxony, won the 3rd place with a prize money of 10.000 EUR in the category economy in the Sächsischer Digitalpreis. The prize was awarded on 10th June 2024 in Löbau by the Staatsminister für…
The global demand for raw materials is increasing. The most important process for extracting ores such as lithium, cobalt or raw earths is flotation. But the development and testing of new reagents in industrial flotation is expensive and costs a lot…
The Helmholtz Enterprise (HE) spin-off program promotes entrepreneurial and spin-off activities of scientists within the Helmholtz Association. A number of start-ups at HZDR have already benefited from that funding, including TheiaX, Biconex or i3 Membrane.HE consists of two separate modules that…
The HZDR Innovators School is a project funded by the Helmholtz Association, running from 2023 to 2025, and is implemented by the Technology Transfer & Innovation department in collaboration with the HR department of HZDR, the Postdoc Center HZDR-TUD, and other partners. The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, the Helmholtz Centre Berlin, and the German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam are involved as advisory board members in the HZDR Innovators School. The goal of this initiative is to implement a foundational qualification program to significantly strengthen knowledge and technology transfer at HZDR, while raising awareness and providing training for employees in this regard. This will help us bring research into application more effectively and equip scientists for career paths outside of research.
Ideas or questions?
The HZDR Innovators School is a service provider for HZDR employees —whether you are a postdoc, scientist, or technician. We aim to develop and tailor our offers to meet the specific needs of our colleagues, so we welcome your suggestions, ideas, and feedback!
Feel free to leave us a message about what you like about our offers, what might be missing, or any questions you may have: