On 4 and 5 November 2024, the first Hi-Tech Forum, hosted by the HZDR, took place with the 2nd Hi-Acts Network Meeting on the campus of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e. V. Over 100 participants from all over Germany and even Belgium, France, Italy and Switzerland networked for two days. The networking was framed by interesting keynotes and diverse pitches, the Hi-Acts Breakfast and guided tech tours of the HZDR’s accelerator facilities. A special highlight was the networking event on the evening of 4 November at the nearby Schönfeld Renaissance castle. The HZDR Innovators School supported the event by organising the fireside chat for experts at Schönfeld Castle, among other things.
> 100 participants
30 companies
10 research institutions
3 keynotes and 24 pitches from research and industry
Program Hi-Tech Forum 2024
Day 1 – MATERIALmodification and -analysis
The first day of the conference focussed on material modification and analysis using particle accelerators. After the first technology tours of the HZDR’s accelerator facilities and a welcome snack in the poster and industry exhibition, the Scientific Director of the HZDR, Prof Sebastian M. Schmidt, and the Head of the Technology Transfer and Innovation Department at the HZDR and member of the Hi-Acts Steering Committee, Dr Björn Wolf, welcomed all attendees. The first session then began. After a keynote dialogue on the topic of ‘Laser-based ion acceleration vs. traditional ion beam technology’, the first pitch session began with 7 participants from science and industry. Each pitcher had 10 minutes for their presentation: 7 minutes prepared presentation and 3 minutes for Q and As.
After a one-hour coffee break, which was used entirely for networking and equipping the networking wall, the event continued with Session II on the topic of MATERIALanalysis with a keynote and 5 pitches. This was followed by a fishbowl session, which brought the participants together once again and gave them space to exchange ideas in a moderated round.
Photo Slideshow Day 1 Hi-Tech Forum (Photograph: Martin Förster)
Unforgettable evening event at Schönfeld Castle

After the fishbowl session, it was straight on to the exclusive networking event at Schönfeld Castle, Germany’s magical castle and a beautiful Renaissance building in the small village of the same name between Rossendorf and Dresden. Greeted by a spectacular illumination of the castle façade, the guests were greeted by a delicious buffet and plenty of time to network and exchange ideas on the 2nd floor of the castle. After a short historical tour, the fireside chat on the exchange of specialists between research and industry, organised by the Career Service and the HZDR Innovators School, started at 8 pm. The panel was moderated by Janine Steidelmüller (SAP), who exchanged views with Katerina Falk (Infindeon and HZDR alumna), André Günther (Saxony Economic Development Corporation), Yonder Berencén (HZDR) and Stephan Krüger (TECHiFAB) on the topic of ‘Best Practices for Skilled Labour Exchange between Research and Industry’ in front of a specially built open fire.
Afterwards, a secret live act awaited the guests: pianist Natalia Posnova delighted the audience with her interpretations of well-known rock songs on the castle grand piano in an atmospheric lighting ambience. ‘The official part of the evening ended on an upbeat note, offering all participants an atmospheric and relaxed end to the conference day.
Photo Slideshow Day 1 Hi-Tech Forum (Photograph: Martin Förster)
Day 2 – Hi-Acts Network Meeting and medical radionuclides
On day two, the Hi-Acts team hosted a joint breakfast including a Hi-Acts report and a pitch session by Hi-Acts partners. The new image film of the innovation platform also celebrated its premiere as part of this 2nd Hi-Acts network meeting. After the crisp pitches, the audience was allowed to choose the best pitch of the morning – the winner was Thu Hang Lai from ROTOP Pharmaka GmbH.
This was followed by the third and final session in the HZDR lecture theatre, which was dedicated to the topic of ‘Accelerator-based production of (medical) radionuclides’. The keynote speech by Dr Martin Kreller, Head of Targetry at the HZDR, on ‘Overviews and opportunities for cooperation in the field of R&D, production of radionuclides’ was followed by 6 pitches that highlighted different aspects of the topic from science, industry and medicine.
The participants were enthusiastic about the two days full of impulses, exchange and new contacts – a complete success for the establishment of the innovation platform Hi-Acts and the HZDR Innovators School.
Photo Slideshow Day 2 Hi-Tech Forum (Photograph: Martin Förster)