Our Networking offers
Company Visits
Visit with us selected companies in the region with which the HZDR cooperates and which could also be relevant for your Transfer.
HZDR Transfer Breakfast
A smart start to the day: networking in a relaxed atmosphere with HZDR innovation management and other transfer-affine scientists at the center.
HZDR Transfer after Work
We invite all HZDR employees to an informal after-work event. The focus is on exchange and networking – not only, but also specifically for transfer and cooperation with industry.
HZDR Transfer Day
Ein Tag voller Transfer – wir feiern A day full of transfer – we celebrate the successes of Transfer@HZDR, award the winning teams of the HZDR Innovation Contest and receive impulses from other centers and partners.
Retrospect: HZDR Transfer Day 2024
On January 23, 2024, the first HZDR Transfer Day took place in the lecture hall of the HZDR. A day full of exchange, success stories and discussions about science transfer, with great opportunities for exchange between scientists and regional multipliers and networks.
Networking events of our partners
Transfer thrives on exchange – take advantage of opportunities to network at the HZDR, share experiences and celebrate successes together. In addition, you can network in the innovation and transfer ecosystem of Saxony and Germany and establish valuable contacts. The HZDR is widely networked in the innovation ecosystem of Saxony. We maintain intensive contacts with many partners who have interesting offers for our employees with an affinity for transfer.
Offers from the other Helmholtz Academies
Helmholtz Academy for Intrapreneurship

Innovation by Supervising

H3 Health Hub