You want not only to research, but to make a difference? Then:
Establish Transfer
Do you want to get started with your idea? Then:
Success with innovation
Benefit from your idea in the application:
The goals of the HZDR Innovators School
Many scientists want their research not only to produce scientific results, but also to make a contribution to society. Transfer shows ways in which scientific research can be transferred into applications. In addition to scientific expertise, this requires entrepreneurial perspectives, be it to evaluate the potential of one’s own research in an application-oriented manner or to protect and exploit intellectual property in a meaningful way as the basis for later exploitation.
The HZDR Innovators School, established in 2023, accompanies HZDR researchers on this path. Our aim is to make the many hours, days and months spent in the lab visible to society – and to show our colleagues ways to successfully participate in commercialization.
About the HZDR Innovators School
The HZDR Innovators School is a project funded by the Helmholtz Association, which will initially be implemented in 2023 – 2025 by the Technology Transfer & Innovation staff department together with the Human Resources department and the Postdoc Center HZDR-TUD and other partners such as dresden | exists, HighTech Startbahn, TransferAllianz and HZDR Innovation GmbH. The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, the Helmholtz Centre Berlin and the German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam are involved in the HZDR Innovators School as advisory board members.
The aim is to establish the HZDR Innovators School as a long-term qualification program at the HZDR and to create the basis for adequate programs at other centers.
The people behind the HZDR Innovators School
We live for innovation.

Dr. Anne Richter
Project Manager
As a coordinator, networker and fulfiller of wishes, Anne connects ideas and people. She is enthusiastically supporting the introduction of the new Learning Management System at the HZDR. She always has an open ear and, as a host, wants to create a space for development.

Dorit Teichmann
Innovation Manager & Trainer
As a trainer and coach with many years of experience at the interface between science and business, Dorit is your expert on how to get ideas off the ground in a practical way. With passion and precision, she accompanies people with an innovation on their path to success in a goal-oriented manner.

Melanie Giebel
Technology marketing & Alumni support
Melanie is not only responsible for the organization of the HZDR Innovation Contest, but also supervises and organizes exchange formats and transfer events. In addition, she also helps organize the HZDR Alumni Network to connect scientists with the HZDR in the long term.

Franziska Kleeberg
Technology marketing
With an inexhaustible reservoir of ideas and a keen eye for detail, Franzi transforms theoretical concepts into visually appealing presentations. Messages are sharpened with structure and target group focus.

Dr. Veronika Körösi
Career coach
Veronika accompanies postdocs and PhD students at the HZDR on their way to a successful career outside the HZDR. To this end, the Postdoc Center works closely with the HZDR Innovators School for workshops, company visits and networking events.
Our partners